Meet our Melbourne Girls


Melbourne Central is where you will find us!

If you haven’t already heard, we have a Melbourne Store!! Ok, we know what you’re saying, that news is SOO August 2016. The question is though, have you been there and have you met the amazing gals who work there? Coz we kinda like them and thought it was about time you got to know them a little better. So without our further ado, meet the babes that make our Melbourne store possible!



Started at Franc: February 2018

Favourite Stone: Howlite

Favourite Quote: ‘It is impossible to live without failing at something, unless you live so cautiously that you might as well not have lived at all- in which case, you fail by default’- J.K. Rowling

Something that made me laugh recently... Christine from Simply Nailogical on Youtube. Watch her and you will understand why!!!!

I am passionate about… breaking taboos in today’s society such as talking openly about mental illness, health, body image and the ideas that we can’t get along with people we disagree with.



Started at Franc: December 2017
Favourite stone: White Agate
Favourite quote: “Eat sleep build an empire, repeat!”
Something that made me laugh recently... “My friend got taken out to Bunnings on a first date the other day”
I'm passionate about... all things speech pathology! Communication and swallowing disorders are where I’m hoping to make a difference, but I’m also passionate about empowering women and being empowered by the women who surround me.


Started at Franc: October 2017

Favourite stone: Howlite

Favourite quote 'A candle loses nothing by lighting another candle'

Something that made me laugh recently... @celestebarber’s instagram. Can always count on her photos for a good laugh!

I'm passionate about... becoming a Teacher one day to help the mental wellbeing of teenagers and assist students with learning disabilities.


Started at Franc: July 2017

Favourite stone: Howlite

Favourite quote: 'A candle loses nothing by lighting another candle'

Something that made me laugh recently... was my partner having a full on conversation with me while he was in a very deep sleep, the things that were said were hilarious and out of this world!

I’m passionate about... styling! Whether it’s editorials or street style work, my favourite part of dressing someone is seeing the gleeful look on their face when they see themselves in my creations. The right outfit can give someone so much confidence and often help them see their beauty, and I love being a part of that process!

Started at Franc: September 2016
Favourite stone: Milky agate
Favourite quote: 'You are your only limit' - unknown
Something that made me laugh recently...My sister put me in a horrendous bright orange wig for her art folio. I looked ridiculous but it ended up going into the folio anyway
I'm passionate about... being curious, challenging myself and finding good everywhere


Started at Franc: January 2018
Favourite stone: Iolite
Favourite quote: "Nothing worth having comes easy" - Dad definitely didn't come up with this, but continues to remind me like he did.
Something that made me laugh recently... *Aside from my own jokes* Going on a weekend trip away with my family and friends.
I'm passionate about...Working in the media industry, particularly radio.


Started at Franc: September 2016
Favorite Stone: Mangano Calcite
Favourite Quote: "Everything happens for a reason"
Something that made me laugh recently... I'm fairly sure most things that come out of my mouth make me laugh (not necessarily because they're funny). However, going on a date to Bunnings recently kind of takes the cake
I'm passionate about... Photography! There's nothing I love more than picking up my camera and getting creative! Especially when I get to snap my beautiful Franc girls!

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