Bored of buying the women in your life the same gifts every year?
Ever wonder what could possibly charm the pants off a loved one in your life no matter their age?
Two words: personalised bracelets. Think charm bracelets, birthstone bracelets, zodiac star sign bracelets, pearl bracelets - essentially any bracelet that you can give meaning and love to.
As a brand that likes to stay ahead of the curve and always has personalised design in mind, at Francesca, we’ve been creating personalised bracelets for a while now, offering varying gemstones, charms, metals and lengths to allow customers to ‘create’ their own unique pieces.
We believe it’s not only so empowering for women to choose and create their own personalised bracelets and designer jewellery but there’s something so meaningful about stringing together a personalised bracelet that you’ve taken the time to design.
As a brand whose ethos is centred on ‘giving meaning to jewellery,’ at Francesca we not only like to be ahead of the curve with the latest designer jewellery trends, but by allowing women to create, design and order their own personalised bracelets we give you the chance to bring your own meaning and message to the piece you create.
Not to mention, a personalised bracelet is a piece for life, unlike that undoubtedly delicious but quickly devoured homemade chocolate cake ;)
But bespoke bracelets and tailored design aside, why the swerve towards buying and creating a personalised bracelet?
Well, if you look at the big picture right now and all the things going on in the world, there is just something nice about owning a personalised piece you can hold onto to keep you grounded.
As Marie Claire outlined it in their recent jewellery and fashion forecast:
“Perhaps as an antidote to our troubled times (hellooo, Trump), fashion has taken a turn for the contemplative, looking to nature as a source of inspiration and designing in ways that promote harmony, rather than hate.”
As a result? “This year has seen a move towards spiritual and personalised particular, a push for birthstones and zodiac-themed pieces,” (as cited by Jeweller Magazine).
If you’ve been following us, you’ll know we’re big into birthstones and zodiac charms right now. Not to mention we have a whole ‘create’ section of the website (go to Design Your Own Piece) to offer you the chance to create your own bespoke personalised bracelet, hoop earrings or necklace!
From adding a simple charm to a staple bracelet, chain necklace or earring or stacking multiple charms onto a bracelet for a cluster arrangement that’s symbolic of a bigger story, our Design Your Own Piece is a beautiful way to create your own personalised bracelet or jewellery piece and win over a loved one!
But if you’re new to creating a personalised bracelet, it can be overwhelming to know where to begin. What colour gemstone will suit, which charm do you choose, what metal works best on their skin tone (solid gold, silver, rose gold) and what meaning do you wish to impart...ah so many things to consider!
To help bring meaning to your personalised jewellery piece, we’ve created a guide on the popular charms and bespoke offerings you can choose from to make a beautiful personalised bracelet your loved one will cherish.
The perfect personalised bracelet option for your loved one:
- Personalised bracelet ideas for couples
It’s a little bit cutesy, but if you’re a couple that likes to stay bound to each other even when you’re apart (although you’re not quite ready to get wedding ring level bound yet), then creating a set of his and hers personalised bracelets is a beautiful way to go in building a strong bond with your lover.
What does a his and hers personalised bracelets set look like? Well, there’s a few key things to keep in mind.
Choose a charm that is symbolic to you and your loved one
Think personal, what charm, symbol, colour speaks to your relationship? And what is still neutral and can work for both his and hers personalised bracelets?
Charms we love for couples include: Alpha letter charms (with your initials!), Behold charm (‘cos nothing spells out ‘I love you’ more than a heart!) or the XO charm (because that way you’re never without a kiss or hug no matter where you’re loved one is in the world).
Opt for a neutral colour that you both love
Translation...unless you both love pink, probs don’t go a pink gemstone bracelet...just saying! Staple colours that can be worn with everything and will work perfectly as his and hers personalised bracelets include: white, grey, black, navy. We also love a sterling silver or solid gold, depending on your jewellery tone style vibe.
Give meaning to your personalised piece
Start by wrapping it beautifully (hint: make life easier with our Francesca gift wrapping option!) and then tie your his and hers personalised bracelets up by offering a beautiful card with a handwritten letter of love explaining the meaning and thought behind your beautiful gift.
Personalised bracelets for friends:
Unlike a couples set where it’s more about shared love and customising to what will suit both him and her, with friends you can be a lot more playful and bring a sense of personality, quirkiness and fun to your personalised bracelet.
Here are some fun ways we recommend creating a personalised bracelet for friends:

Are they outrageously loud, wear bright, bold or unusual colours? Do they love to sing, dance, joke around, do yoga? What makes them shine? What makes you smile when you think of them? Can you define it in a few key words? Now for the fun part, pick a charm that will highlight them in all their beauty.
For example, are they a super chilled, go with the flow yogi? In which case perhaps the Lotus or Drishti charm will suit? Or are they all about astrology? Then a Zodiac charm based on their star sign or our Axial or Solar charm. Or perhaps they are a world traveller who is constantly hopping around the globe? Then they will love our Firenze charms the Basilica or Fiore.
Go wild with colour!
Another amazing thing about designing personalised charm bracelets for friends is.. the sky is the limit colour wise! You can go overly girly with rose gold metal or err towards a mixed tone with a gemstone bracelet like our beautiful Howlite marble style stones. Whatever their style vibe is, go nuts, we have a hue to suit every personality!
Get crafty!
If you’re going to go all out creating personalised bracelet for friends (one or many, afterall, what a perfect gift for bridesmaids!), then you should definitely wrap it all up with a cute craft card detailing the ‘why’ behind your personalised bracelet (along with some other cute things you love about them!).
- Personalised bracelets for her:
For something a little different, why not create a personalised bracelet for your mum, grandmother, sister or wife that you wouldn’t find anywhere else?
Yes, we’re talking a personalised leather bracelet for her. Leather is a classic style statement that forever stays in fashion and there’s nothing quite as beautiful as seeing a solid gold, silver or rose gold charm paired against leather.
To create a personalised leather bracelet for her, simply choose the leather hue of your choice (black is always a classic staple option!) and then take your time to choose a charm that will not only highlight your love for them but also look beautiful against leather.
Charms we’re loving paired with leather right now (and are sure to suit a personalised leather bracelet for her) include: Fleur De Lis charm, the Coin Pearl charm, Behold heart charm and the Angel wing charm.