Our Design Trip to Hong Kong


Your stack will love our new semi-precious stones

From mini hamburgers to mini quiches and mini M&Ms, we all know that everything is better when it’s in miniature form, including our semi-precious stone bracelets! Yep, you’ve heard it here first, we’re about to trigger your stack addiction with some new additions to our 4mm range. Whether you’re a monochrome gal or the kinda gal that likes to chase away those winter blues with some bright hues, we’ve got something for you. And if this isn’t exciting enough, we’ve also heard there are some more 6mm Franc Creates on their way!

With all the new bracelets joining the fam, we thought it would be the perfect opportunity to ask Han & Rach about their annual design and stone-selecting trip to Hong Kong!


You spent 5 days in Hong Kong, what did you get up to while you were there?


We go to Hong Kong every year to design new collections! We spend most of our days at the World Jewellery Fair where people from all over the globe travel to show their specialties to jewellery designers. From 20 carat diamonds (drooool) to selecting our stones for the year, we are like little kids in a candy store. Most days start with us discussing our action plan for the day, before heading to the fair to meet with our favourite suppliers. While it’s pretty much all work while we're there, we do accidentally walk into some of our favourite shops & restaurants!



Hannah this was your 10th trip and Rachel your 5th, do you have any favourite places you keep going back to?



I am obsessed with taking a walk through Kowloon Park each morning before our day begins. The gardens are beautiful and because I love photography I also manage to sneak in a few pics! Other than that I love the quirky shops & the food... when we choose right haha! This year we went to  Yum Cha in Tsim Sha Tsui where the steamed buns were super cute animal designs... I'm a sucker for stuff like that so it was pretty fun.



Victoria Peak is absolutely beautiful and the view from there is amazing! Of course I couldn’t forget ‘A Symphony of Lights’ - the spectacular light show that lights up Victoria Harbour every night! I never get sick of it.


Tell us a little bit about the collections you designed in Hong Kong. What trends/styles can we expect to see this year?



Oh we can't tell you yet, but we are really excited to share the designs with you!! What we can say is that this year we took a lot of time working on selecting really special stones that are hard to come by. It’s a pretty overwhelming experience when selecting the stones, there are so many different hues, shapes and types that it is really hard to refine the selection completely down to a few. If I could choose a favourite stone from the pick it would be Malachite - it’s a beautiful deep green & I think it will be really popular this winter.



Between the two of you, we're sure there was at least one hilarious moment on the trip. Can you share one with us?



There is never really a dull moment to be honest. I always laugh when I see Hannah in the train station because she sticks out like a sore thumb..


Nothing can top last year for me. We were at the airport ready to leave for Hong Kong when there was an issue with Rachel's Passport. She hadn't noticed that it had expired! I had to leave without her and she met me two days later!


Wanna meet the gals who turned those stunning stones into beautiful bracelets? Click here!

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