Learn how to up your jewellery self care game and tend sensitive lobes easily by reading our guide for making earrings more comfortable and learning how to sleep with earrings comfortably to get your beauty sleep, stat!
Getting ears pierced is a modern rite of passage, but often no one ever talks about the self care side of sensitive ears - like how to sleep with earrings comfortably or how to tend to them in a way that supports a good jewellery wearing experience.
Arguably, one of the most uncomfy experiences one can have as a jewellery wearer is falling onto a pillow to snooze only to end up with stud back earrings pricking the side of your neck. Ouch! Which is why we’re dedicating a whole guide to how to sleep with earrings comfortably so you can have seamless, sensitive-less sleep - always.
To learn more about safe ear candy practises, not just the best stud earrings to suit you but all sensitive ear care tips read on for our comfortable earring backs for sleeping guide below.
5 Sensitive Ear Care Tips
The type of ear backing you choose is incredibly important for supporting your lobes and sleep routine. Show them some love by selecting the right style for sleeping.
Baby sized hoops or ‘huggies’ are the comforting cuddle your ears never knew they needed at bed time. Traditionally referred to as ‘sleepers,’ they have this rather apt nickname for a reason! When it comes to comfortable earring backs for sleeping, hoops are ideal for supporting sensitive ears as their circular nature means they bypass any chance of a painful prick to the back of your neck when your head falls onto the pillow of a night.
For the comfortable earrings to sleep in or most comfortable earring backs for sleeping that are available from Francesca we recommend the following styles - click below to shop!
Huggies we love: Willow Hoops, Olive Hoops, Fern Hoops, Willa Huggies, Ivy Huggies, Ari Hoops, Billie Huggies, Bonnie Huggies or Darcy Huggies.
When it comes to how to sleep with earrings comfortably or what the most comfortable earrings to sleep in are, knowing what kind of sleeper you are for a start will help.
For side and stomach sleepers, stud back earrings are less likely to be a supportive option when it comes to comfortable earring backs for sleeping. Whereas those who sleep on their backs it could be the case that the sky's the limit - with the right comfortable, safe and nickel-free stud earrings making it totally possible.
With your sleep style in mind this is an easy way to determine if stud earrings or hoops are best for you and what your go-to most comfortable earrings to sleep in will be.
For comfortable stud earrings to sleep in from Francesca we recommend the following styles that are smaller and less intrusive to ears - click below to shop!
Comfortable stud earrings we love: Karli Studs, Hettie Studs, Bar Studs, Huxley Studs.

Nickel free earrings are the best choice for saving your sensitive earrings from a reaction. At Francesca, you can take comfort knowing all our earrings are safe for sensitive ears as they are nickel free and made with only the highest grade sterling silver or solid gold metal.
To learn more about what makes ours the highest grade, most comfortable earrings to sleep in and care for metals properly see our product care guide here.
One way to know how to make earrings more comfortable, whatever style they are, is to regularly tend to your ears and earrings by routinely washing over them with a sensitive solution.
Whether you have newly pierced ears or wore some a dodgy less than A-grade quality earrings that has now led to sensitive reactions then regularly caring for ears with an antiseptic solution is highly recommended.
Ear Care Antiseptic Spray Lotion is an example of a recommended product that can be used on newly pierced ears or regular basis and is widely available including at Chemist Warehouse.
Saving the obvious for last… when in doubt that your sleep may be compromised or sacrificed, maybe it's time to go bare and sleep sans earrings.
Sounds obvious but often in the haze of a busy day it’s natural to hit the pillow without giving much thought to what will give you a supportive sleep.
While we would love to say that there is a fail safe one way for how to sleep with earrings comfortably it totally comes down to the person, the sleep style, the sensitivity of ears, type of earrings and backs chosen and sleep habits.
For those that toss and turn, rotating between side sleeping to back, then perhaps going nude and giving ears a chance to breathe may work best.
As we’ve suggested above, there are more comfortable stud earrings you can choose that are quaint and less invasive, there are nickel free options for sensitive ears and there are huggies for a go-to in terms of the most comfortable earrings to sleep in.
Perhaps before floating off to cloud nine take a moment to check in - what will serve you best?
If the idea of earrings poking you in the night is a problem, then take them off! Sometimes the most comfortable earrings to sleep in are none at all… and that’s totally okay. That’s what dressing up and being fabulous by day is for! You heard it here first!
For more ideas on how to work with caring for your earrings or supporting sensitive ears see our product care guide here. Or to learn directly how to sleep with earrings comfortably and shop for the most comfortable earrings to sleep in head over to our Francesca website, starting with huggie earrings here.